AFB Ziehl-Neelsen Kit (Hot Method)

Référence 24669-1

Conditionnement : 1kit

Marque : Polysciences

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AFB Ziehl-Neelsen Kit (Hot Method)

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
24669-1 1 kit

Product Overview

Bacteriological stain kit used to identify acid-fast organisms, mainly Mycobacteria. Helpful in diagnosing Mycobacterium tuberculosis since its lipid rich cell wall makes it resistant to Gram stain.

Can also be used to stain other bacteria like Nocardia. Kit contains a primary dye (carbol-fuchsin), a decolorizer (acid-alcohol) and a counter stain (methylene blue). Decolorizer is used to decolorize the bacteria that "dislike" the primary stain. Counter stain is used to stain those bacteria which were decolorized by the acid alcohol. Acid-fast bacilli will stain bright red, while non-acid fast organisms will stain blue or green.

Kit includes: Carbol Fuchsin (Ziehl-Neelsen), Acid Alcohol, and Methylene Blue (8 oz. bottle of each)

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Safety & Storage

Flammable liquid
Glove, chemical goggles & fume hood
Store at room temperature

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