DPP4 Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit

Référence K2178-100 assays

Conditionnement : 100assays

Marque : APExBIO Technology

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DPP4 Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit

Catalog No.
Highly Sensitive Assay, HTS
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DPP4 (Dipeptidyl peptidase 4, also known as T-celll activation antigen CD26) is a membrane expressed peptidase which exhibits multiple effects throughout the body. It plays an important role in glucose metabolism. It mediates the degradation of incretins (e.g. GLP-1) and as a target for type II diabetes and cancer treatment. In the DPP4 Activity Fluorometric Assay Kit, DPP4 cleaves a substrate to generate a quenched fluorescent group, AMC (7-Amino-4-Methyl Coumarin, Ex/Em = 360/460 nm). This kit provides a fast, selective and robust way for high throughput activity screening of DPP4. The detection limit is 3 µU per well.

Features & Properties

FeaturesSimple procedure; Takes approx. 40 minutes; Fast and convenient; Sensitive, reliable HTS assay.
ShippingBlue Ice
Storage ConditionsStore at -20°C.

Quality Control

Quality Control & DataSheet

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Store at -20°C.


Kit componentsDPP4 Assay Buffer, DPP4 Substrate (H-Gly-Pro-AMC), DPP4 Positive Control, AMC Standard (1 mM), DPP4 Inhibitor (Sitagliptin)

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