Visibly dyed microspheres are frequently used in lateral flow tests and "latex" agglutination tests. Our polystyrene microspheres are impregnated with vibrant dyes for optimal visualization. The colorpalette for a representation of our standard colors. Non-functionalized and functionalized versions are available to support adsorption and covalent binding strategies.

Dyed polystyrene

Our non-functionalized microspheres are suitable for coating with antibody or other large proteins via adsorption. Unless noted otherwise, these visibly dyed microspheres are supplied as a 5% solids suspension (w/v) and are available in these standard amounts: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.

TechNote 204, Adsorption To Microspheres
PDS 717, Visibly Dyed Microspheres

Catalog Number Dye Nominal Diameter Specification Range
DSCR001 Crimson Red 0.050µm 0.040 - 0.060µm
DSCB002 Cabo Blue 0.200µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DSCR002 Crimson Red 0.200µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DSSG002 Shamrock Green 0.200µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DSCR003 Crimson Red 0.300µm 0.270 - 0.330µm
DSCR004 Crimson Red 0.400µm 0.370 - 0.430µm
DSCB005 Cabo Blue 0.80µm 0.770 - 0.830µm
DSCR005 Crimson Red 0.80µm 0.770 - 0.830µm
DSSG005 Shamrock Green 0.80µm 0.770 - 0.830µm
DSCR006 Crimson Red 5.0µm 4.80 - 5.20µm


Henderson, K., & Stewart, J. (2002). Factors influencing the measurement of oestrone sulphate by dipstick particle capture immunoassay. Journal of immunological methods, 270(1), 77-84.(0.3, 0.5, and 0.8µm dyed blue PS)

Henderson, K., & Stewart, J. (2000). A dipstick immunoassay to rapidly measure serum oestrone sulfate concentrations in horses. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 12(4), 183-189.(0.31µm dyed blue PS)

Campbell, K., Fodey, T., Flint, J., Danks, C., Danaher, M., O'Keeffe, M., ... & Elliott, C. (2007). Development and validation of a lateral flow device for the detection of nicarbazin contamination in poultry feeds. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 55(6), 2497-2503.(0.43µm dyed blue PS)

DS02B, DS02G,DS02R,DS02O,DS02K,DS02V, DS02N
DS03B, DS03G,DS03R,DS03O,DS03K,DS03V, DS03N
DS04B, DS04G,DS04R,DS04O,DS04K,DS04V, DS04N
DS05B, DS05G,DS05R,DS05O,DS05K,DS05V, DS05N
DS06B, DS06G,DS06R,DS06O,DS06K,DS06V, DS06N
DS07B, DS07G,DS07R,DS07O,DS07K,DS07V, DS07N

Dyed Carboxyl polystyrene

Biomolecules may be covalently immobilized to carboxyl-functionalized microspheres. Our dyed carboxyl microspheres are impregnated with vibrant dyes for optimal visualization. See our color palette for a representation of our standard colors. Unless noted otherwise, they are supplied as a 5% solids suspension (w/v) and are available in four standard volumes: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.

TechNote 205, Covalent Coupling
PDS 717, Visibly Dyed Microspheres

Catalog Number Dye Nominal Diameter

Specification Range

DCCB001 Cabo Blue 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DCCR001 Crimson Red 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DCSG001 Shamrock Green 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DCBK001 Basic Black 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
DCCB002 Cabo Blue 0.50µm 0.470 - 0.530µm
DCCR002 Crimson Red 0.50µm 0.470 - 0.530µm
DCCB004 Cabo Blue 1.00µm 0.95 - 1.05µm
DCCR004 Crimson Red 1.00µm 0.95 - 1.05µm
DCTA004 Tangerine Orange 1.00µm 0.95 - 1.05µm
DCSG004 Shamrock Green 1.00µm 0.95 - 1.05µm
DCCB005 Cabo Blue 5.00µm 4.80 - 5.20µm
DCCR005 Crimson Red 5.00µm 4.80 - 5.20µm
DCBK005 Basic Black 5.00µm 4.80 - 5.20µm


Terao, Y, Takeshita, K, Nishiyama, Y, Morishita, N, Matsumoto, T, & Morimatsu, F. (2015) Promising Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow Assay Plus PCR for Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli. Journ of food protection, 78(8), 1560-1568.

Sheng, W, Li, S, Liu, Y, Wang, J, Zhang, Y, & Wang, S. (2017). Visual and rapid lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for enrofloxacin using dyed polymer microspheres and quantum dots. Microchimica Acta, 184(11), 4313-4321.(Dyed Black carboxyl microspheres)

DC02B, DC02G,DC02R,DC02O,DC02K,DC02V, DC02N
DC03B, DC03G,DC03R,DC03O,DC03K,DC03V, DC03N
DC04B, DC04G,DC04R,DC04O,DC04K,DC04V, DC04N
DC05B, DC05G,DC05R,DC05O,DC05K,DC05V, DC05N
DC06B, DC06G,DC06R,DC06O,DC06K,DC06V, DC06N
DC07B, DC07G,DC07R,DC07O,DC07K,DC07V, DC07N

Dyed Protein-coated polystyrene

At times, our inventory includes streptavidin-coated dyed microspheres supplied as ~1% solids (w/v) aqueous suspensions.

PDS 721, Streptavidin Coated Microspheres
PDS 717, VIsibly Dyed Microspheres

Catalog Number Coating / Dye Nominal Diameter Specification Range
CDCR001 SA / Crimson Red 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
CDCB001 SA / Cabo Blue 0.20µm 0.190 - 0.210µm


Li S, Liu Y, Wang Y, Wang M, Liu C, & Wang Y. (2019) Rapid detection of Brucella spp. and elimination of carryover using multiple cross displacement amplification coupled with nanoparticles-based lateral flow biosensor. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 9, 78. (Streptavidin Crimson Red nanoparticles [CP01R] for binding of biotinylated Brucella spp. amplicons in lateral flow biosensor.)