FlyCut® BamHI

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Référence JB101-01

Conditionnement : 5000units

Marque : TransGen Biotech

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Catalog Number: GS101-01

Price:Please inquire first

500 µl
1 ml
5×1 ml

Product Details

GelStain is a sensitive, stable and relatively safe fluorescent nucleic acid dye designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr) for staining dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in agarose gels or polyacrylamide gels. The sensitivity of GelStain is much higher than EB, and destaining is not required. GelStain and EB have virtually the same spectral properties.


• Nontoxic: Unique lipophilic and macromolecular properties of GelStain make it incapable of penetrating cell membranes. Ames test also shows the mutagenicity of GelStain is far less than that of EB.

• Highly sensitive: Suitable for staining fragments of different sizes in electrophoresis gel.

• Highly stable: Suitable for using microwave or other heating methods to prepare agarose gel.

• High signal-to-noise ratio: Strong fluorescence signal of the sample with low background signal.

• Simple operation: Similar to ethidium bromide, the dye does not degrade during the process of preparing gel or electrophoresis. It only takes 30 minutes for staining after electrophoresis, and the fragment can be visualized by a UV-transilluminator directly without detaining or washing.

• A broad range of applications: Applicable for precast protocol (add dye during gel preparation) and post-stain protocol (submerge the gel in the staining solution); suitable for agarose gels and polyacrylamide gels electrophoresis; suitable for staining dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA.

• Changing the existing imaging system is not required: Suitable for both standard EB filter and SYBR filter; same with the standard UV-transilluminator used for EB staining observation; optimal excitation in the UV region around 300 nm.


at room temperature protected from light for two years.


at room temperature


Ju Z , Cao D , Gao C , et al. A Viral Satellite DNA Vector (TYLCCNV) for Functional Analysis of miRNAs and siRNAs in Plants[J]. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173(4):1940-1952.

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