Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) Conjugated to DyLight 800

Référence B2011113

Conditionnement : 1.0mg

Marque : Molecular Depot

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Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) Conjugated to DyLight 800

Catalog Number: B2011113 (1.0 mg)
Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) Conjugated to DyLight 800 is a high quality affinity-purified Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) conjugated to DyLight 800. This product has been used as molecular tool for various biochemical applications. It has also been used in a wide array of other chemical and immunological applications. Custom bulk amounts of this product are available upon request.

Live enquiry about this product via Text/SMS: 1-858-900-3210.

SKU: B2011113 Categories: Antibodies, Fluorescence Tag: MD 1000

Product Description

5/5 - (3 votes)

Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) Conjugated to DyLight 800
Catalog number: B2011113
Lot number: Batch Dependent
Expiration Date: Batch dependent
Amount: 1.0 mg
Molecular Weight or Concentration: 1.0 mg/mL
Supplied as: Lyophilized
Applications: molecular tool for various biochemical applications
Storage: 2-8 °C
Keywords: anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) DyLight 800
Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure water (resistivity >18 MΩ-cm) and are filtered through 0.22 um.

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3: Lee JH, Choi HK, Chang JH. Optimization of biotin labeling of antibodies using mouse IgG and goat anti-mouse IgG-conjugated fluorescent beads and their application as capture probes on protein chip J Immunol Methods. 2010 Oct 31;362(1-2):38-42.
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5: Finkelman FD, Smith J, Villacreses N, Metcalf ES. Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. VI. Influence of doses of goat anti-mouse delta chain and normal goat IgG on B lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation Eur J Immunol. 1985 Apr;15(4):315-20.
6: Buchs JP, Nydegger UE. Development of an ABO-ELISA for the quantitation of human blood group anti-A and anti-B IgM and IgG antibodies J Immunol Methods. 1989 Mar 10;118(1):37-46.
7: Kricka LJ. Human anti-animal antibody interferences in immunological assays Clin Chem. 1999 Jul;45(7):942-56.
8: Zhang W, Wei M, Carvalho WSP, Serpe MJ. Enzyme-assisted polymer film degradation-enabled biomolecule sensing with poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-based optical devices Anal Chim Acta. 2018 Jan 25;999:139-143.
9: Liu Y, Hou L, Guo Q, Zhang M, Shi W. A Group of Complexes Based on PAMAM and Quantum Dots Used in Clinical Immunoassays Nanoscale Res Lett. 2020 Apr 3;15(1):71.
10: Takizawa T, Robinson JM. Thin is better!: ultrathin cryosection immunocytochemistry J Nippon Med Sch. 2004 Oct;71(5):306-7.

Products Related to Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H&L) Conjugated to DyLight 800 can be found at Antibodies

Additional Information

Weight 0.15 oz
Dimensions 2 × 0.5 × 0.5 in