HigherPurity™ Blood & Cell Culture DNA Extraction

Référence AN0045

Conditionnement : 100rxn

Marque : Canvax Biotech

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HigherPurity™ Blood & Cell Culture DNA Extraction

For a Reliable, Easy & Rapid DNA Purification from whole Blood, Plasma, Serum, Buffy Coat and Cell culture

HigherPurity™ Blood & Cell Culture DNA Extraction is a reliable, easy-to-use and rapid method for high-quality genomic DNA Purification from various sources, including: whole blood, plasma, serum, buffy coat and cell culture. The kit uses HigherPurity™ breakthrough technology based in DNA ability to bind silica in the presence of high concentrations of chaotropic salts.

SKU: AN0044 Categories: DNA & RNA Extraction, DNA Spin Column based Purification

Detailed information:

Advantages & Features
  • Fast protocol: results in 28 minutes.
  • High-quality genomic DNA purification from various sources.
  • Reproducible extraction of high molecular weight genomic DNA purified.
  • Safe and convenient: avoids phenol/chloroform extraction.
  • Efficient: 3-6 µg of genomic DNA from a 200 µL blood sample.
  • Pure genomic DNA: ready-to-use in all Molecular Biology applications.

Includes for 50 rxn:
– 50 CleanEasy™ MiniSpin Columns
– 150 Collection tubes (2 mL)
– 20 mL BLY Buffer
– 30 mg Proteinase K
– 16 mL WB1 Buffer
– 20 mL WB2 Buffer
– 10 mL EB Buffer

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Purified gDNA suitable for all common Molecular Biology applications, such as:

  • PCR.
  • Cloning.
  • DNA sequencing.
  • Southern blot analysis.
Tables & Figures


Quality Control

– Tested on a lot-to-lot basis by isolating total DNA from 200 µL of whole human blood.

– DNA purified is analysed by:

  • Spectrophotometer: Ratio 260/ 280 (1.6-1.8).
  • Agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • Recommendations: If any kit reagent forms a precipitate, warm at 55–65 °C until the precipitate dissolves, and allow to cool to room temperature before use.
Storage, Shipping & Guarantee
  • Shipped at: Ambient Temperature.
  • Storage: All components can be stored at Room Temperature, except Proteinase K (4 ºC). Proteinase K should be stored at -20 ºC for longer-term storage.
  • Laseca, N., Molina, A., Ramón, M., Valera, M., Azcona, F., Encina, A., & Demyda-Peyrás, S. (2022). Fine-Scale Analysis of Runs of Homozygosity Islands Affecting Fertility in Mares. Frontiers in veterinary science9.
  • Mateo-Fernández, M., González-Jiménez, M. J., Celestino, M. D. R., Font, R., Alonso-Moraga, Á., & Merinas-Amo, T. (2022). Toxicological and Nutraceutical Screening Assays of Some Artificial Sweeteners. Processes10(2), 410.
  • González-Cano, R., Gonzalez-Martinez, A., Muñoz-Mejias, M. E., Valera, P., & Rodero, E. (2022). Removal to undesirable MC1R gene alleles from ‘Berrenda en Negro’, an endangered Spanish cattle breed, to enhance breed conservation programs. Livestock Science, 104844.
  • González-Cano, R., Gonzalez-Martinez, A., Muñoz-Mejias, M. E., Valera, P., & Rodero, E. (2022). Removal to undesirable MC1R gene alleles from ‘Berrenda en Negro’, an endangered Spanish cattle breed, to enhance breed conservation programs. Livestock Science, 104844.
  • Lopez-Gutierrez, Lidia, et al. “The Genetic Research in Alzheimer Disease (GERALD) Initiative Finds rs9320913 as a Neural eQTL of lincRNA AL589740. 1.” International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2021.
  • Mateo-Fernández, Marcos, et al. “In Vivo and In Vitro Assays Evaluating the Biological Activity of Taurine, Glucose and Energetic Beverages.” Molecules 26.8 (2021): 2198.
  • del Río-Celestino, M., & Font, R. (2020). The Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables.
  • Mateo-Fernández, M., Alves-Martínez, P., Río-Celestino, D., Font, R., Merinas-Amo, T., & Alonso-Moraga, Á. (2019). Food Safety and Nutraceutical Potential of Caramel Colour Class IV Using In Vivo and In Vitro Assays. Foods, 8(9), 392.
  • Mateo-Fernández, M. (2019). In vivo and in vivo biological activity of cola beverages and different additives.
  • Fernández-Bedmar, Z., Demyda-Peyrás, S., & del Río-Celestino, M. (2019). Nutraceutic Potential of two Allium Species and Their Distinctive Organosulphur Compounds: A Multiassay Evaluation.
  • Anaya, G., Fernández, M. E., Valera, M., Molina, A., Azcona, F., Azor, P., … & Demyda-Peyrás, S. (2018). Prevalence of twin foaling and blood chimaerism in purebred Spanish horses. The Veterinary Journal234, 142-144.
  • Fernández‐Bedmar, Z., Anter, J., & Moraga, Á. A. (2018). Anti/genotoxic, longevity inductive, cytotoxic, and clastogenic‐related bioactivities of tomato andlycopene. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis.
  • Anaya, G., Molina, A., Valera, M., Moreno‐Millán, M., Azor, P., Peral‐García, P., & Demyda‐Peyrás, S. (2017). Sex chromosomal abnormalities associated with equine infertility: validation of a simple molecular screening tool in the Purebred Spanish Horse. Animal genetics48(4), 412-419.
  • Dorado, J., Anaya, G., Bugno‐Poniewierska, M., Molina, A., Mendez‐Sanchez, A., Ortiz, I., … & Demyda‐Peyrás, S. (2017). First case of sterility associated with sex chromosomal abnormalities in a jenny. Reproduction in Domestic Animals52(2), 227-234.
  • Fernández‐Bedmar, Z., Anter, J., Alonso‐Moraga, A., Martín de las Mulas, J., Millán‐Ruiz, Y., & Guil‐Luna, S. (2017). Demethylating and anti‐hepatocarcinogenic potential of hesperidin, a natural polyphenol of Citrus juices. Molecular carcinogenesis56(6), 1653-1662.
Safety Statements

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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