
Référence OORB00030

Conditionnement : 0.5ml

Marque : Aviva Systems Biology

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Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for OORB00030
Product Info
Product FormatLiquid. The conjugate is supplied as a concentrate. Only dilute the concentrate as required and use the working strength conjugate immediately after dilution
Reconstitution and StorageThis conjugate may be stored for up to 3 months at 2 to 8C. For long term storage, aliquot and store at -20C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Avoid using azide containing buffers. Centrifuge briefly before opening.
SpecificityEach conjugate comprises antigen covalently bound to horseradish peroxide and is suitable as a tracer in immunoassay development.
Application InfoDilution Factor: 1/1280 when used in a competitive ELISA with 17Β Testosterone Antibody
ReferenceN.A Botsoglou and D.J Fletouris,in Drug Residues in Foods. Anabolic Growth Promoters, p196 (2001).