4-Nitrophenyl SEM

Référence OORB00055

Conditionnement : 0.5ml

Marque : Aviva Systems Biology

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Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for OORB00055
Product Info
Product FormatThe conjugate is supplied as a concentrate. Dilute as required and use working strength conjugate immediately after dilution
Reconstitution and Storage+2-+8C for up to 3 months / <20C for long term storage
SpecificityEach conjugate comprises antigen covalently bound to horseradish peroxide and is suitable as a tracer in immunoassay development.
Reference16. Food Standards Agency, Chemical Safety and Toxicology Division, Legitimate Uses of Nitrofurans in Food, 8 May 2003. 17. Medicines Act Veterinary Information Service, Edition 52 (October 2004). Results of non-statutory surveillance: Nitrofurans. 18. Food Standards Agency, Food Alert, Ref: 24/2007. 19. Kennedy G (2004) Analytical methods for nitrofurans: Lessons to be learned and new developments. Joint FAO/WHO Technical Workshop on Residues of Veterinary Drugs without ADI/MRL (2004: Bangkok, Thailand).