Référence OORB00040

Conditionnement : 0.5ml

Marque : Aviva Systems Biology

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Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for DHEA(17)-HRP (OORB00040)
Product Info
Product FormatLiquid
Reconstitution and StorageThis conjugate may be stored for up to 3 months at 2-8°C. For long-term storage, aliquot and store at -20°C. Product should be protected from light exposure. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Avoid using azide containing buffers. Only dilute the concentrate as required and use the working strength conjugate immediately after dilution.
SpecificityEach conjugate comprises antigen covalently bound to horseradish peroxide and is suitable as a tracer in immunoassay development.
Application Info1/320 when used in a competitive ELISA with OARB00247.
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