Frozen Tissue Sections, Adrenal gland

Référence CS622287

Conditionnement : 5x5um

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Frozen Tissue Sections, Adrenal gland

Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Adrenal gland; Adenoma of adrenal cortex
Product Data
Age 51
Appearance T
asm DF2
CASE Diagnosis (from medical center path report) Adenoma of adrenal cortex
Case ID CU0000005725
Diagnosis Benign Tumors
Disease State Other Disease
Gender Female
Lesional 0%
M (Distant metastasis) Not Reported
Minimum Stage Grouping Not Reported
N (Lymph node metastasis) Not Reported
Necrosis 5%
Normal 0%
Sample Diagnosis (from Pathology Verification) Adenoma of adrenal cortex
Frozen Sample ID FR5B33800E
Site of Finding Adrenal gland
Stability All frozen tissue sections are stable for 1 year from date of purchase if stored at -80°C without repeated freeze/thaws.
Storage Store frozen tissue sections at -80°C.
T (Extent of Primary Tumor) Not Reported
Tissue Adrenal gland
Tissue of Origin Adrenal gland
Tumor 80%
Tumor Grade Not Reported
Tumor Hypo/Acellular Stroma 10%
Tumor Hypercellular Stroma 5%
New No
Description Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Adrenal gland; Adenoma of adrenal cortex