Frozen Tissue Sections, Liver

Référence CS601501

Conditionnement : 5x5um

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Frozen Tissue Sections, Liver

Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Liver; Fatty changes to liver
Product Data
Age 61
Appearance L
asm BF2
CASE Diagnosis (from medical center path report) Hematoma
Case ID CU0000000503
Diagnosis Fatty Changes To Liver
Disease State Other Disease
Gender Female
Lesional 90%
Necrosis 0%
Normal 10%
Pathology Verification notes from H&E review Inflammation: Mild Polymorphonuclear cells; Non Tumor Structures: 95% Lobules, 5% Triads; Other Features/Comments: Liver with diffuse microsteatosis and mild acute periportal inflammation
Sample Diagnosis (from Pathology Verification) Fatty changes to liver
Frozen Sample ID FR000011C6
Site of Finding Liver
Stability All frozen tissue sections are stable for 1 year from date of purchase if stored at -80°C without repeated freeze/thaws.
Storage Store frozen tissue sections at -80°C.
Tissue Liver
Tissue of Origin Liver
Tumor 0%
Tumor Hypo/Acellular Stroma 0%
Tumor Hypercellular Stroma 0%
New No
Description Tissue Sections (5x5um), Frozen; Liver; Fatty changes to liver