Frozen Tissue Sections, Skin

Référence CS610947

Conditionnement : 5x5um

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Frozen Tissue Sections, Skin

Product Data
Disease State Cancer
Diagnosis Melanoma
Frozen Sample ID FR000065B8
Case ID CU0000001651
Tissue of Origin Skin
Site of Finding Lymph node
Appearance T
Sample Diagnosis (from Pathology Verification) Malignant melanoma, metastatic
Normal 0%
Lesional 0%
Tumor 60%
Tumor Hypo/Acellular Stroma 0%
Tumor Hypercellular Stroma 1%
Necrosis 39%
Pathology Verification notes from H&E review cellular tumor stroma: 100% mixed inflammatory cells
CASE Diagnosis (from medical center path report) Malignant melanoma, metastatic
Age 71
Gender Male
Tumor Grade Not Reported
Minimum Stage Grouping IIIB
Storage Store frozen tissue sections at -80°C.
Stability All frozen tissue sections are stable for 1 year from date of purchase if stored at -80°C without repeated freeze/thaws.
Shipping Dry Ice


*Delivery time may vary from web posted schedule. Occasional delays may occur due to unforeseen complexities in the preparation of your product. International customers may expect an additional 1-2 weeks in shipping.