KRAS Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_004985)

Référence HK204241

Conditionnement : 1kit

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KRAS Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_004985)

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene KRAS
5 Days*
Product Data
Recommended Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation
ACCN NM_004985
UniProt ID P01116
Synonyms C-K-RAS; c-Ki-ras2; CFC2; K-Ras; K-RAS2A; K-RAS2B; K-RAS4A; K-RAS4B; KI-RAS; KRAS1; KRAS2; NS; NS3; RALD; RASK2
Components 1 vial of lyophilized [HP231353&SybGREEN qPCR primer] mix (1 nmol each primer, sufficient for 200 reactions)
1 vial lyophilized Gene Specific qPCR template standard: 50 X 10^7 copies, double-stranded DNA
1 vial containing 1 mL 10x PCR template standard dilution buffer
Quality Control The kit has been tested to generate satisfactory qPCR data on ABI 7900HT
Storage Store at -20°C.
Stability The primer mix and template standard are stable for one year from date of shipping.
Shipping Ambient

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