ProteinIso® Ni-NTA Resin

Référence DP101-02

Conditionnement : 25ml

Marque : TransGen Biotech

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ProteinIso® Ni-NTA Resin

Catalog Number: DP101-01

Price:Please inquire first

5 ml
25 ml

Product Details

ProteinIso® Resin allows rapid affinity purification of His-tagged proteins. The His-tagged proteins bind to Ni2+ cations, which are immobilized on the Ni-NTA resin by 4 metal-chelating sites. After wash, the target proteins are recovered by gradient elution. The resin can be used for both native and denatured protein purification. 


at 2-8℃ (20% ethanol) for two years 


ice bag (4℃)


1 Wang F P, Zhao P P, Zhang L, et al. The VvWRKY37 Regulates Bud Break in Grape Vine Through ABA-Mediated Signaling Pathways[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022.(IF 6.62)

2 Liu Y, Yu T F, Li Y T, et al. Mitogen‐activated protein kinase TaMPK3 suppresses ABA response by destabilising TaPYL4 receptor in wheat[J]. New Phytologist, 2022.(IF 10.32)

3 Guo L, Zhao Y, Zhang Q, et al. Stochastically multimerized ParB orchestrates DNA assembly as unveiled by single-molecule analysis[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022.(IF 19.16)

4 Zhang Y, Gao Y, Wang H L, et al. Verticillium dahliae secretory effector PevD1 induces leaf senescence by promoting ORE1-mediated ethylene biosynthesis[J]. Molecular plant, 2021.(IF 13.16)

5 Zhang Q, Chen Z, Wang F, et al. Efficient DNA interrogation of SpCas9 governed by its electrostatic interaction with DNA beyond the PAM and protospacer[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2021.(IF 16.97)

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