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TransStart® TopTaq DNA Polymerase
Référence AP151-01
Conditionnement : 250units
Marque : TransGen Biotech
Trans109 Chemically Competent Cell
Catalog Number: CD301-02
Price:Please inquire first
10×100 µl
20×100 µl
Product Details
Trans109 Chemically Competent Cell is specifically designed for chemical transformation of DNA. It permits a transformation efficiency of over 108 cfu/μg DNA (tested by pUC19 plasmid DNA).
endA1 recA1 gyrA96 thi-1 hsdR17 (rk-, mk+) relA1 supE44 D (lac-proAB) [F′traD36 proAB laqIqZΔM15]
• High transformation efficiency: >108 cfu/μg ( pUC19 DNA).
• The lowest homologous recombination favorable for plasmid DNA preparation.
• Routine cloning.
• Blue/white selection.
at -70°C for six months. Do not store in liquid nitrogen
Dry ice (-70℃)