Agarose SERVA for DNA electrophoresis, research grade

Katalog-Nummer 11404.07

Size : 500G

Marke : SERVA Electrophoresis

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CAS [9012-36-6]

Agarose SERVA for DNA electrophoresis is a high-purity agarose for analytical and preparative nucleic acid electrophoresis of DNA fragments between 1000 bp and 20,000 bp. Low gel background, low DNA binding, and low EEO enables high resolution separation, even at higher gel concentrations.
Recommended for all routine molecular biology methods such as blotting, cloning, restriction enzyme analyses, sequencing, etc.
Each lot is tested for the absence of EcoRI inhibition.
Agarose SERVA for DNA electrophoresis forms gels of high clarity and selectivity even at higher agarose concentrations. The low binding to staining reagents, both for ethidium bromide and fluorescent dyes such as SERVA DNA Stain Clear G (Cat. No. 39804), results in very low background staining.

Gelling temperature (1.5 %)
Gel strength (1.5 %)
Electro endosmosis (EEO)
34 - 39 °C
min. 1700 g/cm2
max. 0.13

EINECS: 232-731-8WGK: 1HS: 39139000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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