Lambda DNA (dam-, dcm-)

Katalog-Nummer MDD21

Size : 100ug

Marke : Bio Basic

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Lambda DNA (dam-, dcm-)
Storage: (-15 to -20)C
Product Description: Lambda DNA (dam-, dcm-): Duplex DNA. The molecular weight is 31.5x106 daltons and it is 48502 base pairs in length. Lambda DNA is used as one of the substrates in restriction enzymes research and in testing of restriction endonuclease’s activity to Dam or Dcm methylation activity. Phage is isolated from heat-inducible lysogen E. coli GM2163 (c/857 Sam 7) strain. DNA is isolated from purified phage by phenol extraction and dialyzed against 10mM Tris- HCl (pH 7.6) and 1mM EDTA.
Total Product Size: 100ug
Individual Container Size: 100ug
Number of Containers: 1
Refrigeration Requirements: Freezer
Shipping Conditions: ICE
UNSPSC Code: 41106600
UNSPSC Category: Vectors/Plasmids

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