MagicPure® Stool and Soil Genomic DNA Kit

Katalog-Nummer EC801-11

Size : 50rxns

Marke : TransGen Biotech

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MagicPure® Soil and Stool Genomic DNA Kit

Catalog Number: EC801-11

Price:Please inquire first

50 rxns

Product Details

MagicPure® Soil and Stool Genomic DNA Kit is a universal reagent designed for DNA purification from various types of soil and stool samples. It employs a unique lysis solution to lyse solid or liquid samples rich in impurities and inhibitors, followed by efficient humic acid removal, and utilizes magnetic beads for specific DNA adsorption. The extracted DNA can be used for various common molecular biological experiments, such as PCR, qPCR, next-generation sequencing, etc. This kit is compatible with magnetic rod-based high-throughput nucleic acid extractors.


• User-friendly design eliminates cumbersome steps such as heating or ice bathing.

• Efficiently remove inhibitors from samples, yielding high purity DNA.

• Compatible with a wide range of soil and stool sample types.


at 15-30℃ for one year; Humic Acid Removal 56 at 2-8℃ for one year.


Humic Acid Removal with ice bag(4 ℃); others at room temperature

Product Composition

ComponentEC801-11 (50 rxns)
Lysis Buffer 56 (LB56)40 ml
Lysis Enhancer 56 (LE56)2.5 ml
Reagent DF56400 μl
Precipitation Buffer 56 (PB56)12 ml
Humic Acid Removal 56 (HAR56)10 ml
Binding Buffer 56 (BB56)30 ml
Clean Buffer 56 (CB56)40 ml
Wash Buffer 56 (WB56)20 ml
Elution Buffer (EB)10 ml
Lysis Tube50 each
Magnetic Soil and Stool Beads II900 μl

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