Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig's (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

Katalog-Nummer 5310

Size : 1kit

Marke : Alpha Diagnostic International

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FormStds= 0-5000 ng/ml; Sample: 100 ul (1:100); Sensitivity; 150 ng/ml; 75 min assay; Quantitative; Ag-based Ab assay, 96 tests
KitContents1. Purified ssDNA Coated strip plate (8 wells x 12 strips) 5311 2. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std A (0 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5312 3. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std B (0.31 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5313 4. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std C (0.62 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5314 5. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std D (1.25 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5315 6. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std E (2.5 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5316 7. Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig?s std F (5 ug/ml) 0.65 ml 5317 8. Gaot Anti-mouse IgG HRP conjugate (H+L), 9. 0.120 ml (100X) 5318 10. Sample Diluent (10X), 10ml SD-10 11. Wash Solution (100X), 10 ml WB-100 12. TMB Substrate solution, 12 ml 80091 13. Stop solution, 12 ml 80101 14. Complete Instruction Manual. M-5310
MSDSTMB (substrate), H2SO4 (1% in a buffered stop solution), and Prolcin-300 (0.1% v/v in standards, sample diluent and HRP-conjugates
Product TypeELISA Kit
SamplesSerum. Plasma, Culture medium and other fluids may be adapted
SpCrossreactivitySerum samples known to be positive for anti-extractable nuclear antibodies (ENA), anti-dsDNA, anti-rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-toxoplasma gondii IgG, IgM, and anti-Cytomegalovirus IgG were tested in anti-DNA ELISA kit were found to be negative, confirming the specificity of this assay. The S1-nuclease treatment of coated plates does not affect the binding of anti-DNA IgG indicating virtual absence of ssDNA on the coated surface. The antibody conjugate used in the kit is anti-mouse IgG (H+L) that will detect most Ig?s (IgG+A+M) antibodies to DNA. ADI has developed other kits for the measure of anti-ssDNA IgG or IgM isotypes. Anti-mouse ssDNA IgG kit has not been tested in other species. A separate kit for human anti-ssDNA antibody is available.


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