Oil Red O Solultion

Katalog-Nummer OILR-10001

Size : 100mL

Marke : Cyagen

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Catalog Number:
suitable for the staining of lipid droplets in the adipogenic differentiation of stem cells.

OriCellTM Oil Red O solution is a strong fat solvent and dyeing agent. Its dyeing principle is the physical solution or adsorption to dye fat. The dye is more soluble in intracellular lipids than in the original solvent, so it is easier to stain the fat.

OriCellTM Oil Red O staining solution is suitable for the staining of lipid droplets in the adipogenic differentiation of stem cells.

Product stability and storage conditions

  • This reagent needs to be stored at 2~8℃, and the shelf life is 1 year.
  • If it can ensure stable conditions during use, good sealing performance of the container, and avoid alternating hot and cold, the shelf life can be appropriately extended.
  • Please use product within the expiration date; Expired ingredients may seriously affect the cell culture effect.

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