SAP-Exo Kit

Katalog-Nummer PP-218S

Size : 500µl

Marke : Jena Bioscience

Contact local distributor :

Telefonnummer : +1 850 650 7790

Alkaline Phosphatase / Exonuclease mix for cleanup of PCR products

For general laboratory use.

Shipping: shipped on gel packs

Storage Conditions: store at -20 °C
avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Shelf Life: 12 months

SAP-Exo Kit is a quick, easy and reliable enzymatic cleanup reagent for PCR product cleanup.

  • Removes excess primers and dNTPs
  • Fast 20 minute protocol
  • Add directly to PCR product
  • 100 % Sample Recovery
  • Scalable for different reaction sizes
  • No interference on downstream applications
  • Easy to automate

The Kit contains two hydrolytic enzymes, recombinant Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) and Exonuclease I (Exo I). The combination of these enzymes ensures complete dephosphorylation of dNTPs and degradation of residual primers, enabling downstream applications, such as sequencing, genotyping, cloning or SNP analysis. The reagents are active in commonly used PCR buffers and eliminates the need for additional buffer exchange.

SAP-Exo Mix (red cap)

- Add 2 μl of SAP-Exo mix directly to 5 μl PCR product (or scale up, i.g. 4 μl SAP-Exo mix to 10 μl PCR product) and mix well
- Incubate for 10 minutes at 37 °C
- Inactivate for 10 minutes at 80 °C

PCR products are ready for downstream applications without any need for further processing.

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