Trans5α Chemically Competent Cell

Katalog-Nummer CD201-02

Size : 20×100ul

Marke : TransGen Biotech

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Trans5α Chemically Competent Cell

Catalog Number: CD201-01

Price:Please inquire first

10×100 µl
20×100 µl

Product Details

Trans5α Chemically Competent Cell is specifically designed for chemical transformation of DNA. It permits a transformation efficiency of over 108 cfu/μg DNA (tested by pUC19 plasmid DNA).

F-φ80d lacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYA-argF) U169 end A1 recA1 hsdR17 (rk-, mk+) supE44λ- thi-1 gyrA96relA1 phoA

• High transformation efficiency: >108 cfu/μg ( pUC19 DNA).
• Reduced recombination of cloned DNA.
• Blue/white selection.

at-70℃ or below for six months. Do not store in liquid nitrogen.

Dry ice (-70℃)


1 Li X, Zhang Y, Xu L, et al. Ultrasensitive sensors reveal the spatiotemporal landscape of lactate metabolism in physiology and disease[J]. Cell Metabolism, 2023.(IF 31.37)

2 Wang T, Wang Y, Chen P, et al. An Ultrasensitive, One-Pot RNA Detection Method Based on Rationally Engineered Cas9 Nickase-Assisted Isothermal Amplification Reaction[J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2022.(IF 8.00)

3 Li S, Zhang Z, Zhou C, et al. RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase 1 delays the accumulation of viroids in infected plants[J]. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2021.(IF 5.66)

4 Zhong S, Ding W, Sun L, et al. Decoding the development of the human hippocampus[J]. Nature, 2020.(IF 69.50)


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