TransIntro® EL Transfection Reagent

Katalog-Nummer FT201-01

Size : 0.75ml

Marke : TransGen Biotech

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TransFast® Taq PCR SuperMix (+dye)

Catalog Number: AS102-01

Price:Please inquire first

1 ml
5×1 ml
15×1 ml

Product Details

This product contains TransFast® Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs and optimized reaction buffer. Amplification speed up to 10 sec/kb suitable for fast PCR. Fragments under 2 kb can be amplified at an extremely fast speed of 1 sec/kb, greatly saving PCR reaction time. The SuperMix is provided at 2×concentration and can be used at 1×concentration by only adding template, primers and Nuclease-free Water for DNA amplification, reducing pipetting and improving the accuracy and reproducibility of experiments. This product contains dye and easy to use, the PCR products can be analyzed by electrophoresis directly.

• Reduced reaction time. 

• Minimized contamination caused by multi-step operation. 

• Template-independent "A" can be generated at the 3' end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pEASY®-T vectors.

• Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 6kb.


Rapid amplification of conventional PCR.


at -20℃ for two years


Dry ice (-70℃)

Product Composition

Component  AS102-01 AS102-02      AS102-03
TransFast® Taq PCR SuperMix (+dye)         1 ml     5×1 ml         15×1 ml
Nuclease-free Water         1 ml         5 ml           3×5 ml

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