ZytoLight SPEC D13S319/13q34/CEN 12 Triple Color Probe

ZytoLight SPEC D13S319/13q34/CEN 12 Triple Color Probe

Katalog-Nummer Z-2160-200

Size : 0,2ml/20tests

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The ZytoLight SPEC D13S319/13q34/CEN 12 Triple Color Probe (PL116) is intended to be used for the qualitative detection of deletions involving the human D13S319 region as well as the detection of chromosome 13q34 specific sequences and chromosome 12 alpha satellites in cytologic specimens by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The probe is intended to be used in combination with the ZytoLight FISH-Cytology Implementation Kit (Prod. No. Z-2099-20). The product is intended for professional use only. All tests using the product should be performed in a certified, licensed anatomic pathology laboratory under the supervision of a pathologist/human geneticist by qualified personnel. The probe is intended to be used as an aid to the differential diagnosis of various cancers and therapeutic measures should not be initiated based on the test result alone.

Probe Maps


Ordering Information

Prod. No.:Tests¹ (Volume):Registration Status²:
5 (50 µl)
20 (200 µl)

Download Information


1 Using 10 μl probe solution per test.
2 In vitro diagnostic medical device according to EU directive 98/79/EC. 
CE IVD only available in certain countries. All other countries research use only! 
Please contact your local dealer for more information.


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