ZytoMation RET Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

ZytoMation RET Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

Katalog-Nummer Z-2316-5.1ML

Size : 5.1ml

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The ZytoMation RET Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe (PL251) is intended to be used for the qualitative detection of translocations involving the human ROS1 gene at 6q22.1 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The probe is intended to be used in combination with the Bond FISH Kit (DS9636) on the automated Bond-MAX or Bond-III system by Leica Biosystems. Interpretation of the results must be made within the context of the patient´s clinical history with respect to further clinical and pathologic data of the patient by a qualified pathologist.

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Ordering Information

Prod. No.:Tests¹ (Volume):Registration Status:
up to 20 (5.1 ml)

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1 Using 240 μl probe solution per test.
2 In vitro diagnostic medical device according to EU directive 98/79/EC. 
CE IVD only available in certain countries. All other countries research use only! 
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