WB validated Antibodies
Monoclonal anti-human unconjugated primary antibodies Western Blot validated
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche : 2931404 Produkt(e) gefunden
Grenzen Sie Ihre Suche ein :
- Unconjugated 2931404
- Biotin 53
- HRP 46
- AP 32
- FITC 28
- human 2931403
- mouse 1470021
- rat 1176861
- cow 114499
- dog 103725
- rabbit 80421
- horse 70037
- pig 60929
- monkey 60195
- guinea pig 58098
- zebrafish 39897
- chicken 22959
- sheep 21718
- hamster 7053
- xenopus 6271
- goat 5936
- yeast 5894
- all species 4609
- virus 2144
- cat 2089
- drosophila 1810
- fish 910
- frog 431
- gorilla 363
- bird 343
- c. elegans 304
- insect 240
- plant 227
- donkey 180
- swine 132
- ferret 128
- bacteria 82
- e. coli 52
- duck 41
- opossum 35
- lizard 20
- llama 10
- pigeon 9
- camel 3
- guinea-pig 1
- human recombinant er 1
- rat and rabbit 1
- rabbit 2373099
- mouse 404813
- goat 32789
- human 12256
- rat 7016
- sheep 2321
- chicken 2040
- guinea pig 493
- cow 257
- pig 159
- monkey 133
- hamster 126
- dog 114
- llama 51
- donkey 50
- xenopus 38
- drosophila 30
- horse 28
- cat 26
- fish 24
- predicted to work with: human 23
- plant 22
- yeast 19
- swine 18
- zebrafish 18
- shark 8
- c.elegans 7
- bacteria 4
- coral 4
- insect 4
- invertebrate 4
- mollusk 4
- quail 4
- all species 3
- mammals 3
- frog 2
- humans 2
- rainbow trout 2
- sea squirt 2
- squirrel 2
- bird 1
- chimpanzee 1
- eukaryote 1
- multiple mammals 1
- Primary antibody 2931404
- WB 2931383
- IHC 1233133
- ELISA 1081814
- IF 588097
- ICC 294475
- IP 238496
- FC 183670
- FLISA 14829
- ChIP 8223
- Microscopy 3007
- Dot blot 2637
- Neutralization 1324
- FA 1099
- Assay 824
- Blocking 814
- Immunoassay 796
- Inhibition assay 712
- Radioimmunoassay 593
- Proximity Ligation Assay 480
- in-vivo 247
- Purification 229
- Immunodiffusion 136
- EMSA 131
- Staining 128
- Immunostaining 125
- array 108
- Detection 100
- Multiplex assay 91
- Lateral Flow 87
- Cell depletion 84
- Affinity binding 67
- Immunoelectrophoresis 56
- Cellular activation 40
- Chemiluminescence 31
- Biacore 30
- Mass spectrometry 27
- Chromatography 23
- Co-stimulation 20
- WB-Ce 20
- Stimulation 15
- in-vitro 14
- Cell separation 12
- Agglutination 11
- Mass cytometry 6
- Coagulation 4
- FRET 3
- ISH 3
- Immunolocalization 3
- Hemagglutination 2
- Northern Blot 2
- Dot Blot 1
- FS 1
- Immunoradiometric assay 1
Quality Tested:
Report in literature:
Multiplex 1
- Polyclonal 2169654
- Monoclonal 96683
- polyclonal 30439
- 0 14138
- Recombinant 3448
- monoclonal 2685
- C1 2662
- C2 2020
- C3 1682
- C5 1452
- C4 1366
- C6 1005
- C7 958
- C8 785
- C10 636
- 1F6 628
- 1A8 618
- C9 617
- 1D2 587
- D1 547
- 1C4 535
- S0MR 531
- 1C5 527
- D4 525
- 1F2 524
- D2 523
- 1E1 522
- S3MR 516
- S8MR 512
- S5MR 510
- 1D6 509
- C11 509
- 1D8 506
- S2MR 506
- S1MR 501
- S4MR 495
- 1D4 493
- S6MR 489
- S9MR 486
- 1C11 485
- 1F3 475
- 1D11 472
- S7MR 465
- 1B3 461
- 1C7 458
- 1F8 453
- D3 450
- C12 444
- 1C1 439
- 1E10 437
- 1E12 429
- 1F7 427
- 1D7 426
- 1G2 424
- 1C10 420
- 1B8 418
- 1D12 418
- 1C6 412
- 1A11 411
- 1F4 411
- 1C8 409
- 1A10 406
- 1B7 404
- 1E9 399
- 1A5 393
- 1G3 393
- 1A9 392
- 1F11 385
- 1G5 384
- 1A3 382
- 1E6 382
- 1E7 382
- 1B9 381
- 1G6 379
- 1H3 368
- 1F12 367
- 1B2 360
- 1D1 360
- 1G7 359
- OTI1B2 359
- 1G4 356
- OTI1C5 355
- 1E8 354
- 1H4 351
- 1D10 346
- 1B10 343
- 1F9 340
- 1G12 340
- 1G8 339
- OTI1A6 337
- 1E3 334
- 1B4 333
- 1H6 332
- 1C2 331
- 1D9 331
- OTI1D1 328
- OTI1B5 327
- 1A7 325
- 1E11 315
- D5 314
Preis zzgl. MwSt.