TransDB3.1 Chemically Competent Cell
Katalog-Nummer CD531-01
Size : 10×100ul
Marke : TransGen Biotech
EasyPure® miRNA Kit
Catalog Number: ER601-01
Price:Please inquire first
Product Details
This product is suitable for isolating miRNA and total RNA from cells, tissues, fresh blood and exosomes. After samples are lysed with lysis buffer, addition of chloroform to the lysed sample separates the solution to an upper colorless aqueous phase containing RNA, an interphase and a lower pink organic phase. After addition of ethanol to the transferred aqueous phase, total RNA can be specifically immobilized by an RNA Spin Column. By adjusting the volume of ethanol added to the aqueous phase, large RNAs (including 28S rRNA, 18S rRNA and mRNA) are immobilized while small RNAs (≤ 200 nt, such as miRNA, siRNA, shRNA, snRNA, etc.) are in the flow-through which is passed through a miRNA Spin Column where the miRNAs become immobilized after addition of more ethanol. This product possesses advantages of high lysis capacity, high yield and broad applications.
LB10 at 2-8℃ away from light for one year; others at room temperature (15℃-25℃) in a dry place for one year.
LB10 on ice bag (4 °C); others at room temperature.
1 He X, Yang L, Huang R, et al. Activation of CB2R with AM1241 ameliorates neurodegeneration via the Xist/miR‐133b‐3p/Pitx3 axis[J]. Journal of cellular physiology, 2020.(IF 5.54)
2 Li F J, Zhang C L, Luo X J, et al. Involvement of the MiR-181b-5p/HMGB1 pathway in Ang II-induced phenotypic transformation of smooth muscle cells in hypertension[J]. Aging and disease, 2019.(IF 5.05)