Phytopathology media - Kings Medium B
Kings Medium B Base is based on the formulation of King et al. This medium can be used as a general medium for the non-selective isolation and pigment production of Pseudomonas species from foods, cosmetic samples etc. Agrobacterium have been traditionally identified as gram-negative bacteria that do not produce fluorescent pigment on Kings B medium and do produce tumors (or hairy roots) when inoculated onto test plants. These media contain proteose peptone, which provides carbonaceous and nitrogenous compounds for the growth of bacteria. Glycerol serves as a source of energy and also enhances pigment production. Magnesium sulphate also enhances pigment production. Pigments and/ or their derivatives produced by Pseudomonas species play a role as siderophores in the iron uptake systems of bacteria, and hence, their production is markedly enhanced under conditions of iron deficiency. The production of pigments especially non-fluorescent blue pigment, pyocyanin is readily demonstrated by culturing on Kings Medium B, which contains no added iron. The addition of dipotassium phosphate increases the phosphorus content of the medium thereby enhancing production of fluorescent pigment.
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