Eosin Y Na-salt, research grade

Mindestbestell 2

Katalog-Nummer 21005.01

Size : 25G

Marke : SERVA Electrophoresis

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(Acid Red 87, Eosin Yellowish, Tetrabromo-fluorescein, Eosin G)
C.I.45380C20H6Br4O5·Na2Mr 691.9CAS [17372-87-1]

Eosin Y is a slightly acid fluorescent dye, which stains cytoplasm red. The dye is used for the differential staining of connective tissue and cytoplasm, spore staining and in histopathology as a counterstain after hematoxylin and before methylene blue. Tested for use as histological stain and as fluorescent indicator ( Y = yellowish).

λ max. 0.001 % in water
516 ± 4 nm

Hazard Statements H319
Precautions P264 - P280
Reaction P305 +P351 +P338 - P337 +P313

HS: 29329900
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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