InstaBlue Protein Stain Solution is a ready to use Coomassie protein stain for polyacrylamide gels. Its unique patented mechanism of action stains proteins in 5 minutes while leaving a clear background without the need to fix, wash or destain. InstaBlue Protein Stain Solution is formulated for safe use and easy disposal. InstaBlue Protein Stain Solution is very convenient for use and needs only simple one step protocol to finish the rapid coomassie blue staining of protein gels. Some premade and traditional home-made Coomassie R-250 protein stains can take 3 hours or more to fully stain gels. Because of InstaBlue’s protein specific staining which gives a clear background, improving the signal/noise ratio of the stain, InstaBlue Protein Stain Solution has high sensitivity and can detect protein levels as low as 5 ng per band when staining overnight. InstaBlue Protein Stain Solution is non-toxic and thanks to its methanol free composition will not shrink gels. InstaBlue will stain at least 40 mini-gels per 1 L, staining with only 25ml per mini-gel, which allows you to use less protein staining solution. While homemade solutions and some pre-mixed solutions need approximately 50-100ml for staining one gel.