Cat# 860015

Size : 500milliliter

Brand : CLS Cell Lines Service

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Product information "PBS"

Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) Solution: The Optimal Buffer for Your Biological Research

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) is a versatile buffer solution used in many biological and chemical applications, as well as tissue processing. Our PBS solution is formulated with high-quality ingredients to ensure a constant pH during experiments. The osmolarity and ion concentrations of our PBS solution are matched to those of the human body, making it isotonic and non-toxic to most cells.

Composition of our PBS Solution

Our PBS solution is a pH-adjusted blend of ultrapure-grade phosphate buffers and saline solutions. At a 1X working concentration, it contains 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 8 mM Na2HPO4, and 2 mM KH2PO4. We have chosen this composition based on CSHL protocols and Molecular cloning by Sambrook, which are well-established standards in the research community.

Applications of our PBS Solution

Our PBS solution is ideal for a wide range of applications in biological research. Its isotonic and non-toxic properties make it perfect for substance dilution and cell container rinsing. Our PBS solution with EDTA can also be used to disengage attached and clumped cells. However, it is important to note that divalent metals such as zinc cannot be added to PBS as this may result in precipitation. In such cases, Good's buffers are recommended. Moreover, our PBS solution has been shown to be an acceptable alternative to viral transport medium for the transport and storage of RNA viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2.

Storage of our PBS Solution

Our PBS solution can be stored at room temperature, making it easy to use and access.

To sum up

In summary, our PBS solution is an essential component in many biological and chemical experiments. Its isotonic and non-toxic properties make it suitable for numerous applications, from cell culture to viral transport medium. By choosing our high-quality PBS solution, researchers can optimize their experiments and ensure accurate and reliable results.


Components mg/L
Inorganic Salts Potassium chloride 200,00
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 200,00
Sodium chloride 8,000.00
di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 1,150.00

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