Rapid Yeast Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Minimum order 2

Cat# BS8227

Size : 50Preps

Brand : Bio Basic

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Rapid Yeast Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: Rapid Yeast Genomic DNA Extraction Kit: The kit is designed for rapid small-scale extraction of high quality genomic DNA from yeast. Yeast cell wall is digested by Snailase (or lyticase, zymolyase). Whole cell is lysed by a special buffer and DNA is then precipitated and washed by alcohol. Purified DNA can be used for many downstream applications such as PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, hybridization and other applications.
Total Product Size: 50prep
Individual Container Size: 50prep
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41105504
UNSPSC Category: Genomic DNA Purification Kits

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