VAHTS Maxi Unique Dual Index DNA Adapters Set 2 for Illumina

Cat# N34202-01

Size : 384rxns

Brand : Vazyme

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 Product Description  

VAHTS Maxi Unique Dual lndex DNA Adapters Set 2 for illumina is a dedicated kit for multi-sample DNA library preparation for sequencing using illumina high-throughput sequencing platforms. The kit contains 96 kinds of VAHTS Unique Dual lndex (UDI) DNA Adapters, which enables dual verification through two completely independent indexes and minimizes index hopping and misassignment, thus ensuring that the reads in the final analysis represent the samples to the maximum extent.

All the Adapters provided in the kit have undergone rigorous quality control and functional testing to ensure the optimal stability and repeatability of library preparation.


  • Apply to illumina platform for DNA library preparation.

  • providing 96 different dual indexes (UDI).



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