µ-Slide 15 Well 3D

µ-Slide 15 Well 3D

A chamber slide with 15 wells and a glass bottom for 3D cell culture, tube formation assays and immunofluorescence

  • Bright visualization of cells without gel meniscus formation
  • Cost-effective experiments, requiring only 10 µl of gel per well
  • For a wide range of gels (for example collagen and agarose)



Each cell in brief:
The principle of the 15-well µ-Slide 3D glass bottom

The 3D μ-Slide 15 wells  glass bottom has a specialized geometry for easy, convenient and reproducible conduction of tube formation assays. It is also ideal for germination assays, immunofluorescence staining and general 3D cell culture. Once the gel has been pipetted into the inner well and has had time to solidify, cells can be seeded onto it for tube formation analysis. With the well-in-a-well technology, the amount of gel needed is reduced to only 10 μl per well, which is 10% of the amount used in conventional multiwell plates.

In addition, no gel meniscus is formed. This ensures the formation of a uniformly thick gel matrix on which all cells are in an optical plane, creating reproducible cell culture conditions. The µ-Slide 15 Well 3D Glass Bottom can be used with all common hydrogel matrices, such as Matrigel ® , collagen gels, agarose gels and hyaluronic acid gels.

With its 15 wells, the µ-Slide 15 Well 3D Glass Bottom is designed for low throughput assays. For large-scale applications, ibidi provides the µ-plate 96 Well 3D.




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