The NTRK1 FISH probe is designed to hybridize to the NTRK1 gene and is primarily used for detecting amplifications and deletions associated with the gene. This probe is FISH confirmed on normal peripheral blood metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei. The probe can be labeled in one of five colors. Each probe is sold in a 20 test kit (approximately 20 slides - 22x22 mm area) and includes hybridization buffer. Please note that due to design optimizations, are subject to change.

** This product is for in vitro and research use only. This product is not intended for diagnostic use.

Gene Summary

This gene encodes a member of the neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor (NTKR) family. This kinase is a membrane-bound receptor that, upon neurotrophin binding, phosphorylates itself and members of the MAPK pathway. The presence of this kinase leads to cell differentiation and may play a role in specifying sensory neuron subtypes. Mutations in this gene have been associated with congenital insensitivity to pain, anhidrosis, self-mutilating behavior, cognitive disability and cancer. Alternate transcriptional splice variants of this gene have been found, but only three have been characterized to date. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol: NTRK1

Gene Name: Neurotrophic Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 1

Chromosome: CHR1: 156785541-156851642

Locus: 1q23.1


TRKA expression and NTRK1 gene copy number across solid tumours

Our NTRK1 break apart probe was used to detect NTRK1 rearrangements in solid tumors from more than 1,000 patients. Over 14 different cancer types were analyzed, including lung, colorectal, and breast. NTRK1 translocations were identified in 5.9% of patients.

TRKA expression and NTRK1 gene copy number across solid tumours

Our NTRK1 break apart probe was used to detect NTRK1 rearrangements in solid tumors from more than 1,000 patients. Over 14 different cancer types were analyzed, including lung, colorectal, and breast. NTRK1 translocations were identified in 5.9% of patients.

Atypical Spitzoid Neoplasms in Childhood: A Molecular and Outcome Study

Atypical spitzoid neoplasms (APNs) are primarily pediatric lesions characterized by their intermediate features; clinically and histopathologically, they fall somewhere between benign spitz nevi and malignant melanoma. The genetics of these tumors are still poorly understood. In this study, 34 APNs were analyzed using FISH and IHC. Our ALK, BRAF, and NTRK1 break-apart FISH probes were used to detect rearrangements of the genes .

Identification and characterization of a novel SCYL3-NTRK1 rearrangement in a colorectal cancer patient

Our NTRK1 break apart probe helped to detect a new NTRK1 fusion in a 61 year old patient with adenocarcinoma of the right colon and pancreas. The team was able to verify that this novel fusion – SCYL3-NTRK1 – was in fact an oncogenic driver by transfecting cells with a SCYL3-NTRK1 cDNA construct, which lead to IL3-independent proliferation.

Product Details

Product: NTRK1 FISH Probe

Test Kits: 20 (40 μL)

ISH Buffer: 200 μL


Material Safety Data Sheet: MSDS.pdf

Turnaround Time: 7-10 Business Days

Shipping Time: 1-2 Day Expedited Shipping