Anti-IDH1 R132H CE/IVD for IHC - Neuropathology

Anti-IDH1 R132H CE/IVD for IHC - Neuropathology


Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) is a soluble, cytosolic enzyme involved in the TCA metabolic cycle. The most notable mutation in this enzyme, R132H, is clinically indicated in the majority of astrocytomas and oligodendroglial tumours, with the mutation being associated with more favourable prognosis and increased survival in those patients. IDH1 R132H is also useful in the differential diagnosis between anaplastic glioma and glioblastoma.
Heterozygous point mutations of IDH1 codon 132 are frequent in World Health Organization (WHO) grade II and III gliomas. IDH1 R132H mutations occur in approximately 70% of astrocytomas and oligodendroglial tumors. The high frequency and distribution of the IDH1 R132H mutation among specific brain tumor entities allow the highly sensitive and specific discrimination of various tumors by immunohistochemistry, such as anaplastic astrocytoma from primary glioblastoma or diffuse astrocytoma WHO grade II from pilocytic astrocytoma or ependymoma. Noteworthy is the discrimination of the infiltrating edge of tumors with IDH1 mutation from reactive gliosis.




Cortex section
Astrocytoma section


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  • Unconjugated 7
  • human 7
  • mouse 7
  • Primary antibody
  • IHC 7
  • H09 4
  • IHC132 3

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