Anti-p504s CE/IVD for IHC - Genitourinary pathology

Anti-p504s CE/IVD for IHC - Genitourinary pathology


p504s, also known as α-methylacyl coenzyme A racemase (AMACR), is an enzyme localized in the peroxisome and mitochondria.
P504S has been recently described as a prostate cancer-specific gene that encodes a protein involved in the β-oxidation of branched chain fatty acids. Expression of p504S protein is found in prostatic adenocarcinoma but not in benign prostatic tissue. It stains premalignant lesions of prostate: high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia. P504S can be used as a positive marker for PIN.
p504s overexpression has also been detected in a number of other cancers including ovarian, breast, bladder, lung, and renal cell carcinomas, lymphoma, and melanoma.




Prostate carcinoma
Prostate carcinoma


Search result : 16 product found

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  • Unconjugated 13
  • human 13
  • rabbit 8
  • mouse 5
  • Primary antibody
  • IHC 16
  • 13H4 6
  • polyclonal 5
  • IHC524 3
  • IHC504 2