Cell-based assay kits - Phagocytosis
In mammals, phagocytosis by phagocytes (such as macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) is essential for a variety of biological events, including tissue remodeling and the ongoing clearance of dying cells . In addition, phagocytosis formation represents an early and crucial event in the initiation of host defenses against invading pathogens. Phagocytosis comprises a series of events beginning with the binding and recognition of particles on surface receptors, followed by the formation of actin-rich membrane extensions around these particles. Fusion of the membrane extensions leads to the phagosome, which is then evaluated as a phagolysosome. Pathogens contained in the phagolysosome are destroyed by falling pH and hydrolysis. These early events, mediated by the innate immune system, are crucial to host survival. This process enables pathogen-derived molecules to be presented to the cell surface, in what is known as antigen presentation, enabling the induction of acquired immunity.
Phagocytosis can be measured in vitro by estimating the engulfment of a substrate by phagocytic cells. Various substrates can be used, including red blood cells, E. coli and Zymosan particles (levure).