Haptotaxis is a type of cell migration defined by the migration of cells along a gradient of ECM-bound chemoattractants. Our Haptotaxis Assays are supplied with a Boyden Chamber containing 8 µm inserts that are precoated on the underside with either Collagen I or Fibronectin. The 8 µm pore size is optimal for epithelial and fibroblast cell migration.
Migratory cells are quantified using either a colorimetric or fluorescence plate reader.
The membrane serves as a barrier to discriminate migratory cells from nonmigratory cells. Migratory cells are able to extend protrusions towards the gradient of extracellular matrix density (via actin cytoskeleton reorganization) and ultimately pass through the pores of the polycarbonate membrane. Finally, the cells are removed from the top of the membrane and the migratory cells are stained and quantified.
Advantages :
- Fully quantify haptotaxis with no manual cell counting
- Measure haptotaxis in less than 6 hours with most cell types
- Membrane inserts are precoated on the bottom with Collagen I
- Colorimetric or fluorometric detection
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- kit 12
- Colorimetric assay 2
- Fluorometry 2
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