PD-1 Antibody (clone DBM15.1)

PD-1 Antibody (clone DBM15.1)

Mouse monoclonal antibody

PD-1 Antibody (clone DBM15.1)

 Mouse monoclonal antibody

The PD-1 antibody has recently emerged as a powerful ancillary tool for predictiv biomarkers with important therapeutic implications. 

The PD-L1/B7.1 and PD-L1/PD-1 pathways can protect tumors from cytotoxic T cells, ultimately inhibiting the antitumor immune response in two ways:
  • Deactivating cytotoxic T cells in the tumor microenvironment
  • Preventing priming and activation of new T cells in the lymph nodes and subsequent recruitment to the tumor
PD-L1 binds to T cell receptors B7.1 and PD-1, deactivating cytotoxic T cells. Once deactivated, T cells remain inhibited in the tumor microenvironment.

Why PD-1?
  • PD-1 and PD-L1 are important checkpoints in tumor development
  • PD-1/PD-L1 pathway is a promising target for treating NSCLC
  • Receptor expressed primarily on activated T cells
  • Aid to identify disease types to treatment
Immunohistochimie sur coupes de paraffine fixées au formalin de tissu pulmonaire humain avec un carcinome cellulaire squameux.
Clone DBM15.1
Isotype IgG murin
Espèce cible Humain
Application IHC
Localisation Cellulaire Membrane
Products Volume Format Cat#
Mouse Anti-PD-1 Antibody 0,5 ml Concentrated MOB475-05
1 ml MOB475-1
6 ml Ready-to-use PDM190-6
25 ml PDM190-25


Medical devices for in vitro diagnostic. Read the instruction for use carefully.