2024-07-08/10 - UK - Canterbury - BACR response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy

2024-07-08/10 - UK - Canterbury - BACR response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy

We are delighted to announce that CliniSciences is proud to Sponsore The "BACR Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy Symposium".This event will take place in the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK from 8th to 10th July, 2024



The prestigious University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom , is a semi-collegiate public research university , that bring's together leading minds from across the globe to delve into cutting-edge advancements and challenges in cancer therapy, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

The "BACR Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy Symposium"  is a scientific meeting that's gathering together researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and strategies in the field of cancer therapy.

The objectives of this symposium are as follows :

  • Providing a platform where researchers, clinicians, and industry leaders converge to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in oncology,understanding and overcoming therapy resistance in cancer treatment.
  • Fostering  multidisciplinary collaboration, sharing cutting-edge research findings, and exploring innovative therapeutic strategies. 
  • Endeavoring to accelerate the translation of scientific discoveries into clinical practice. 
  • Addressing ethical considerations, advocates for healthcare policy advancements, and educates stakeholders on the impact of therapy resistance on patient outcomes and survivorship. 

Through these efforts, the symposium strives to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients worldwide by pushing the boundaries of cancer research and therapy development.

And the topics that are included in this Symposium are:  

  • Molecular mechanisms of resistance and treatment response.
  • Genomics, systems biology and tumour evolution.
  • Models of tumour resistance.
  • Immuno-oncology and therapy.
  • Biomarkers of treatment and response.

BACR Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy Symposium usually includes poster presentations,and Multiple short talks from submitted Abstracts.Overall, Symposiums like these are crucial for fostering collaboration, sharing cutting-edge research, and driving progress in the fight against cancer.

Our scientific team is waiting for you at  at the Univesity of Kent,  from 8th to 10th July 2024.

For more information, visit the website.