39éme Journées Pédagogiques et Scientifiques (JPS) de l'AE2BM

39éme Journées Pédagogiques et Scientifiques (JPS) de l'AE2BM

We are pleased to announce that CliniSciences will be sponsoring the "39éme Journées Pédagogiques et Scientifiques (JPS) de l'AE2BM," which will be held at Bordeaux University on September 12th and 13th, 2024.



The 39éme Journées Pédagogiques et Scientifiques (JPS) de l'AE2BM  will take place at Bordeaux University on September 12th and 13th, 2024.

This annual event serves as a crucial meeting point for educators, researchers, and professionals dedicated to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, fostering a community that strives for excellence in both scientific research and education.

The "39ème Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques de l’Association des Enseignants de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire (AE2BM)" event is focused on the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. The event aims to sharing the latest scientific discoveries, innovative teaching methodologies, and to foster collaboration and networking among participants. Topics likely to be covered include current research trends, technological advancements, educational strategies, and practical applications in biochemistry and molecular biology.

We hope to see many of you at the 39th JPS.

For more information and registration, Click here.