

CryoLogyx. Founded by Dr. Tom Congdon and Prof. Matt Gibson, CryoLogyx specializes in developing high-quality cryopreservation solutions for cell-based assays in drug discovery. Here are some key points about CryoLogyx:

  • PlateReady™: Cryopreserved cells directly adhered to microplates, ready for assays within 24 hours post-thaw.

  • CryoShield™: Their patented cryopreservation formulation integrates nature-inspired soluble ice nucleators, controlling ice nucleation and mitigating supercooling effects.

  • CustomReady™: Customized cell-banking service tailored to meet specific research needs, ensuring ready-to-use, high-quality cells.

  • Achievements: CryoLogyx has received awards, including the SLAS Europe New Product Award in 2024.

Discover CryoLogyx’s advanced cryopreservation solutions – simply thaw with cell culture medium, and the cells are ready for use within 24 hours post-thaw. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to contact us.


Learn more:






Assay Ready Cryopreservation of Hepatocytes

as 2-D Monolayers



Meet CryoShield™ : Multi Award-winning

Cryopreservation Solutions



Meet our latest cryopreserved





PlaqueReadyTM Models    PlateReady™ Assay-Ready Plates   ToxReady TM Plates




Watch the videos :



Thaw and Use Master Class 24 Well Edition



Thaw and Use Master Class - 96 Well Edition



How to use CryoLogyx Thaw and Test Assay Cells 





Cell culture Products

Cell culture Products


Cell culture is a set of biology techniques used to grow cells outside their organism (ex-vivo) or their original environment.
The cells cultured can be : 
  • Cells recently removed from an organism (biopsy). We then speak of primary culture and primary cells. These cells cannot be kept in culture indefinitely because they have a limited division capacity (limited number of divisions).
  • Immortalized cells or cell lines. These cells have an unlimited capacity of division. These cell lines can be cancer cells, healthy cells made artificially immortalized or stem cells.
Animal cells are generally cultivated in a medium that provides them with all the essential elements for their growth. For this, flasks, boxes or culture plates are used depending on the quantity of cells desired and the applications. The culture media are then placed in incubators at a temperature of 37°C and in a very humid atmosphere with a controlled CO2 content (5%) in order to get as close as possible to the physiological conditions.
There are 2 types of cell culture: 2D culture and 3D culture. The 2D culture consists in cultivating the cells in a single layer while the 3D culture aims at reproducing the cellular structures present in the body.