Sudan Black B [4197-25-5]

Cat# sc-203760

Size : 25g

Brand : Santa Cruz Biotechnology

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Sudan Black B (CAS 4197-25-5)

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Sudan Black B is also known as Solvent Black 3, Fat Black HB, and CI 26150
Sudan Black B is a fat-soluble diazo dye which has been used to stain phospholipids and intracellular lipids
Numéro CAS:
Masse Moléculaire:
Formule Moléculaire:
Pour la Recherche Uniquement. Non conforme pour le Diagnostic ou pour une Utilisation Thérapeutique.
* Consulter le Certificat d'Analyses pour les données spécifiques à un lot (incluant la teneur en eau).


Sudan Black B (CAS 4197-25-5) Références:

  1. Reduction of lipofuscin-like autofluorescence in fluorescently labeled tissue.  |  Schnell, SA., et al. 1999. J Histochem Cytochem. 47: 719-30. PMID: 10330448
  2. Characterization of modified low density lipoprotein subfractions by capillary isotachophoresis.  |  Zorn, U., et al. 2001. Electrophoresis. 22: 1143-9. PMID: 11358140
  3. Control of autofluorescence of archival formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue in confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).  |  Baschong, W., et al. 2001. J Histochem Cytochem. 49: 1565-72. PMID: 11724904
  4. Staining histological lung sections with Sudan Black B or Sudan III for automated identification of alveolar epithelial type II cells.  |  Schneider, JP., et al. 2015. Acta Histochem. 117: 675-80. PMID: 26558990
  5. Pre-culture Sudan Black B treatment suppresses autofluorescence signals emitted from polymer tissue scaffolds.  |  Qi, L., et al. 2017. Sci Rep. 7: 8361. PMID: 28827657
  6. Waterborne Polyurethane Coatings with Covalently Linked Black Dye Sudan Black B.  |  Wang, T., et al. 2017. Materials (Basel). 10: PMID: 29143785
  7. Sudan black B as a histological stain for polymeric biomaterials embedded in glycol methacrylate.  |  Hoeksma, EA., et al. 1988. Biomaterials. 9: 463-5. PMID: 3224132
  8. (Histo)chemical aspects of Sudan Black B in various solvents.  |  Frederiks, WM., et al. 1981. Acta Histochem Suppl. 24: 259-65. PMID: 6785833
  9. Some aspects of the value of Sudan Black B in lipid histochemistry.  |  Frederiks, WM. 1977. Histochemistry. 54: 27-37. PMID: 72059

Sudan Black B (4197-25-5) Cibles de modulation

Inhibiteur de: anti-Cy5.

Informations pour la commande

Nom du produitRef. CatalogueCOND.Prix HTQTÉFavoris

Sudan Black B, 25 g

25 g

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