Component | AD401-01 | AD401-02 |
2×TransDirect® PCR SuperMix (+dye) | 1 ml | 5×1 ml |
Nuclease-free Water | 5 ml | 25 ml |
TransDirect® Blood PCR Kit
Cat# AD401-02
Size : 500rxns×20ul
Brand : TransGen Biotech
TransDirect® Blood PCR Kit
Catalog Number: AD401-01
Price:Please inquire first
100 rxns×20 µl system
500 rxns×20 µl system
Product Details
TransDirect® Blood PCR Kit is designed for DNA amplification from whole blood without DNA extraction. 2×TransDirect® PCR SuperMix (+dye) is highly resistant to various PCR inhibitors present in blood.
• No DNA extraction needed.
• Ready-to-use SuperMix.
• Fresh or frozen blood stored in EDTA, heparin or citric acid
• Fresh or dried blood without anticoagulant
• Human oral epithelial cells
• Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 4 kb
at -20 ℃ for two years
Dry ice (-70 ℃)
Product Composition