Introducing Amorphous Nickel-Titanium foil Grils ANTcryo™ - Available Now!

Introducing Amorphous Nickel-Titanium foil Grils ANTcryo™ - Available Now!

the ANTcryo Grid, a groundbreaking innovation that's revolutionizing cryo-EM sample preparation


Are you pushing the boundaries of cryo-EM single-particle analysis?

Introducing the ANTcryo Grid, a groundbreaking innovation that's revolutionizing cryo-EM sample preparation. This advanced grid features a unique holey support film crafted from a sophisticated Amorphous Nickel Titanium alloy (ANTA)./upload/molecular-dimensions-antcryo-grid-mfzyps.png

Early adopters are already achieving remarkable results:

  • Over 20 high-impact publications in prestigious journals in just 3 years, including 6 in the top-tier CNS category.
  • Superior resolution: ANTcryo Grids demonstrably improve resolution by over 0.2 Å compared to carbon grids, thanks to enhanced conductivity that minimizes electron charging and beam-induced motion.
  • Faster sample preparation: The ANTcryo film boasts an adsorption force 20 times lower than carbon, significantly increasing particle inlet rate and reducing aggregation for a smoother workflow.
  • Increased data collection efficiency: Higher particle density on the grid allows for faster data collection with the same number of particles.
  • Simplified cryo-EM workflows: ANTcryo film retains the user-friendly properties of carbon for coma alignment and routine TEM adjustments, unlike the challenges associated with gold films.


Ready to unlock the full potential of your cryo-EM research?   

We're confident the ANTcryo Grid can significantly elevate your work. click the button below to request a quote or learn more about this revolutionary technology.

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