Media for lymphocytes karyotyping

Media for lymphocytes karyotyping

Media for the culturing of bone marrow aspirates and peripheral blood cells.


Peripheral Blood Cells


By culturing peripheral blood cells in the presence of mitogens, cytogeneticists obtain cultures that are used for chromosomal analysis.
CHANG Medium® BMC was developed for the primary culture of Clinical Human Bone Marrow cultures for use in karyotyping and other genetic testing using existing protocols based on RPMI Medium 1640, 10%GCT-CM and gentamicin.
CHANG Medium® MF was developed for the primary culture of Clinical Human Bone Marrow cultures, peripheral bloods and other T-Cell Lymphocyte cultures for use in karyotyping and other genetic testing using existing protocols based on RPMI Medium 1640, 20%FBS and gentamicin.
Product code
100 ml, 500 ml
100 ml, 500 ml

Bone Marrow Cells

Cytogenetics laboratories use short-term cultures of bone marrow aspirates not only for the diagnosis of hematopoietic disorders, but also for the prognosis of the specific tumors and the selection of effective treatments. Irvine Scientific's CHANG Marrow® and CHANG BMC® are optimized for short-term bone marrow culture, and provide consistent mitotic cells that are suitable for karyotyping and a more accurate cytogenetic analysis.
CHANG Medium® BMC was developed for the primary culture of Clinical Human Bone Marrow cultures for use in karyotyping and other genetic testing using existing protocols based on RPMI Medium 1640, 10%GCT-CM and gentamicin.
CHANG Medium® MF was developed for the primary culture of Clinical Human Bone Marrow cultures, peripheral bloods and other T-Cell Lymphocyte cultures for use in karyotyping and other genetic testing using existing protocols based on RPMI Medium 1640, 20%FBS and gentamicin.
CHANG Marrow® is a complete, ready-to-use medium optimized to support bone marrow cultures for karyotyping and other genetic testing of various hematological disorders. After an extensive optimization process to create a superior, innovative blend of growth factors, Irvine Scientific's CHANG Marrow has been shown to out-perform other commercially available media in clinical studies.
Product code
100 ml, 500 ml
100 ml, 500 ml
100 ml, 500 ml