ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix

Referencia Q711-02

embalaje : 500rxns

Marca : Vazyme

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 Product Description  


ChamQ Universal SYBR qPCR Master Mix is a special premix for qPCR reaction using SYBR Green I chimeric fluorescence method. The core component, Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase, is a novel hot-start DNA polymerase modified by antibody method. It has many advantages such as strong specificity, high detection sensitivity. With the optimal Buffer optimized for qPCR and the specific promoter, it is very suitable for qPCR reaction with high specificity and sensitivity. This kit contains special ROX, Passive Reference Dye, which is suitable for all qPCR instruments. There is no need to adjust the concentration of ROX on different instruments, and the amplification can be performed with the addition of primers and templates when preparing the reaction system.



  • Universal ROX Passive Reference Dye: It is suitable for all qPCR instruments. The concentration of ROX does not need to be adjusted on different instruments.

  • High Efficiency Hot Start Polymerase: Novel antibody modified hot-start Champagne Taq DNA polymerase with strong amplification performance and high sensitivity. High Specificity: The specificity-enhancing factor Exactor inhibits non-specific amplification and primer dimerization to a large extent; High Sensitivity: Templates with single-digit copies can be detected.

  • Compatible with Standard Program and Fast Program.





Store at -30 ~ -15°C and protect from light. Transport at ≤0°C. After thawing, the Master mix can be stored stably for 6 months at 2 ~ 8°C and protected from light.

▲ If white precipitate is found in the Master Mix after thawing, place it at room temperature for a short while and invert the tube upside down several times to dissolve the precipitate. Please make sure the precipitates have fully dissolved and mix thoroughly before use.


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