EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit

Referencia EE161-11

embalaje : 50rxns

Marca : TransGen Biotech

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EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit

Catalog Number: EE161-11

Price:Please inquire first

50 rxns

Product Details

EasyPure® Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit uses lysozyme and moderate lysis buffer to lyse cells. Proteinase K is used for protein digestion and RNase A used for RNA digestion. DNA is specifically bound to silica-based column in hypersaline condition, and DNA is eluted by low salt and high pH solution. This kit is suitable for isolating high quality genomic DNA from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The isolated DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and Southern blot.

• Fast: the whole process can be completed in 50 minutes

• High yield: DNA yield up to 20 μg


At room temperature (15-25°C) in a dry place for one year.


At room temperature

Product Composition



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