EasyPure® RNA Kit

Referencia ER101-01

embalaje : 50rxns

Marca : TransGen Biotech

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  • ER101-01.JPG
Product Details

EasyPure® RNA Kit provides a simple and fast column based method to isolate total RNA from animal cells, animal tissues, bacteria and yeast. Cells and tissues are enzymatically lysed. DNA is digested with DNase I. RNA is bound to silica membrane. After washing, high quality RNA is eluted from the column. RNA is free of protein contamination, and is suitable for RT-PCR, qRT-PCR and Northern blot.


DNase I and DNase I Reaction Buffer at -20°C for one year; others at room temperature (15°C-25°C) in a dry place for one year.

DNase I and DNase I Reaction Buffer on dry ice (-70 °C); Others at room temperature.

Product Contents

ComponentER101-01 (50 rxns)
Binding buffer 4 (BB4)40 ml
Clean buffer 4 (CB4)60 ml
Wash buffer 4 (WB4)12 ml
Proteinase K (20 mg/ml)1 ml
DNase I (3 units/μl)1500 units
DNase I Reaction Buffer4×1 ml
RNase-free Water10 ml
RNase-free Tube (1.5 ml)50 each
RNA Spin Columns with Colle ction Tub e s50 each


Han X , Wang R , Zhou Y , et al. Mapping the Mouse Cell Atlas by Microwell-Seq[J]. Cell, 2018, 172(5):1091-1107.

Li P, Du J, Goodier JL, et al. Aicardi–Gouti`eres syndrome protein TREX1 suppresses L1 and maintains genome integrity through exonuclease-independent ORF1p depletion[J]. Nucleic Acids Research, 2017 May 5;45(8):4619-4631. 

Simultaneous NF-κB inhibition and E-cadherin uPregulation mediate mutually synergistic anticancer activity of celastrol and SAHA in vitro and in vivo[J].International Journal of Cancer,  2014, 135(7):1721-32.

Tan G , Xiao Q , Song H , et al. Type I IFN augments IL-27-dependent TRIM25 expression to inhibit HBV replication[J]. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2018, 15(3):272-281. 

Zheng K , Tian H , Hu Q , et al. Ectopic expression of R3 MYB transcription factor gene OsTCL1 in Arabidopsis, but not rice, affects trichome and root hair formation[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(1):19254.

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